Weaving our heritage into design

Our most precious present this Christmas was an unexpected gift from my Uncle Karsten that had made its way across the ocean all the way from Norway to under our tree here in Canada.

This brought out so many emotions in me.

Uncle KarstenMy Uncle Karsten’s life was and is an adventure – he was the captain of many ships, sailed the seven seas, and is now settled into a retirement home in Norway where his hidden talents are flourishing. His joy for life is contagious ♡

While visiting him this past summer, we were really impressed with his new hobby of weaving – the ‘old school’ way! We admired the piece he had on the old traditional wooden loom, the true Norwegian colouring of the yarns, and the simplistic patterns. And this Christmas, it had made an appearance under our tree! This stunningly beautiful piece of art – 120 cm long to be exact – brings a smile to my face every day when I see it in our dining room.

norweigan loom

Living and working in the most multicultural city in the world – Toronto – makes me realize how important heritage and identity are. They define who we are. We embrace heritage and identity in our design, especially for our residential clients. In a world with new! modern! bigger! better! – sometimes the small, unexpected elements make the biggest impact. Heritage and roots are a refreshing touch – and are always in style!

Tusen Takk Onkel, Gla i Dae

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